Thursday, December 22, 2011

Dating 101

I think enough time has passed since the break up. To prepare myself for the big world of dating again I decided I would take an almost scientific approach. One day while browsing through books in my second favorite bookstore, I saw a book that was on my list, Boyfriend 101.

I had just read Sex and the City, and decided that I was in fact a lot like Carrie and MeTo was such a Mr. Big. I needed to fix that. So I decided to take what I would learn in the book and apply it to my dating life. The book, although a little dated, was full of useful advice. The best pieces of advice were the sections on predating and how to act on the first few dates.

I am a bit of an open book, so I tend to just let conversations flow without filtering the information that might scare some people off.  It was kind of funny that in a matter of a week I went from the spastic book version of Carrie to the TV version of Charlotte, I was a rules boy.

Ivan was afraid that if I started dating I would have less time for friends and I assured him that would not be the case. To be honest I would need my friends more than ever now. I would need feedback and advice on whether or not certain guys were worth pursuing.  

One night over drinks I explained some of my new rules for dating based on the book and while at first they laughed they soon realized it made since. So I decided to test it.

I went to a4a and tweaked my profile and got a few guys in line to predate. One of which was Matthew.

Matthew and I met for coffee at my old Starbucks and I immediately noticed his smile. A heavy set guy but it was evident he took good care of himself. After I grabbed my triple, 5 pump, soy, peppermint mocha, we went for a walk and talk.  It would seem that a walk and talk is the best kind of predate.

We ended up in same branch of my second favorite book store where I bought the book, and stood in a random section and talked about what made us, us. He was going to leave the country for two years in March to help a third world country. So I thought this was perfect, this guy would be experiment guy, I would use him to tweak my dating skills.

The good thing about the experiment guy and the fact you never tell them you read a book on dating is that they don’t know you made a dating Faux Pas. For example: one should never discuss the issues they have with their parents, one should avoid talking about exes and predates should remain short and sweet. 

Remember how I said I am an open book and I just let the conversation flow? Well before I knew it I mentioned MeTo, how I don’t talk to my mother which then required an explanation and we spent maybe 2 hours in that store.  But he was sweet and cute, every time he smiled my toes wanted to curl, his personality was so attractive I could not help myself.

Soon it was time for him to go and we walked out together and promised we would hangout again, “Hangout?” I did not want a buddy to hang out with, I wanted a guy that I could date and eventually have sex with. But I like they say there are plenty of fish in the sea and I had another predate already scheduled with a guy named Don.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Capogiro inspiration for Gelato, and more?

Having recently moved back to Philly I was In need of friends, so naturally I turned to a4a and met plenty of people who wanted to make new friends. One guy stood out and was quick to set up a meeting. We decided to meet up and see where the night took us.

His name was Peter and he worked in center city at the same trophy shop that my grade school purchased their awards for graduation. We met on East Passyunk which happened to be the mid point between where we both lived. Upon seeing each other we decided to go for a walk around the area. We talked about where we grew up and the things we do with our free time and it was all great conversation.

He then suggested we go get gelato and I agreed. I was given the honor of choosing the flavors so I picked burnt sugar and Nutella. We giggled at the idea of burnt sugar but I had a good feeling and I was spot on with the flavor combo.

We sat down and talked about everything we could think of, the conversation flowed and before we knew it the cup was empty. We continued our conversation with the continuation of our walk. It was one of those really cool conversations that you never want to stop because it was pleasing on so many levels. That was until he made a comment about how a cutie like me should get lots of tips working at Starbucks.

Ok little awkward to be called a cute by a guy you are only interested in as a friend. As the night drew on I had a feeling he was thinking he had a chance at more than friends and I was not sure where MeTo and I were heading just yet and there was JR and adding anymore gay drama potential was not going to bowed well for me.

We called it a night and I quickly realized how far I walked when I had to walk all the way back home. I did keep in touch with Peter but it was awhile before we hung out again due to my hectic schedule and the drama that quickly came about shortly after. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Food & Boys

What is it about Men, Sex, and Food that seem to go so well together? If you take a gay chef with style, money, a great personality then you have in my opinion, the ultimate man. Who would not want to date him?

Well that is my life's goal, to work hard and become a Fantastic chef. The fun part is its not only about mastering recipes. One has to learn how to dress the part in and out of the kitchen, make the right connections, and have time for fun.

I have to admit I enjoy men just as much as I enjoy cooking and when I find a guy who gets a chance to taste what I am serving in the kitchen as well as the bedroom, well lets just say they always come back for seconds.

I am a Philadelphia native. I spent a little over two years living in New Jersey. I had fallen in love gotten engaged only to move back and call everything off. But it was during that relationship that I learned how much I enjoyed cooking and baking. I took to it like a wild fire to a forest during a drought. I learned everything I could about baking and cooking, bought the coolest of cookbooks and threw the best of parties all so I could learn more and more.

I then decided to go to school and get my associates in Culinary arts. So that is where I am now. Its fall 2011 and I am in my second semester of college and the heat is on. Newly single, back in my home town, and on the prowl for the best of the best and trying to figure out how I am going to get it.

What is this blog, you may ask? Well I have been blogging for years, but as I have mentioned before my life has taken a shift. Sure my main goal is to become a chef but I am still hopeful that I will find love. Food and love always go together. Ergo Valentines day and Chocolate.

The key to a man's heart is through his stomach and after testing this it is a sure fire way to keep a man. The part I need to work on, “How do I get them to let me cook for them.”